Here in my car I feel safest of all

A couple weeks ago the air conditioning in my Rodeo pooched out. The mechanic told me I should just buy a new car as it would be cheaper than fixing it. This was a major bummer and the last straw in a teetering haystack of financial stress. I’ve poured more than the vehicle is worth in repairs into it already. The wiring harness fiasco of several years ago comes to mind.

But I love my car. It is perhaps the only mechanical thing I have ever had emotional attachment to. I started a new life with this car. It has gotten me out of many tough situations. All sorts of amazing things happened in and around it.

Maybe it is time to give it a rest from all of my shenanigans. It’s ten years old, so it still has some life left. I’m tempted to go get another Rodeo, one just like it only a more recent model, and pretend that nothing has changed. But I should really look into a hybrid or at least something more fuel efficient.

Lately I’ve been driving with the windows down and the heat hasn’t been that bad. So I can probably live in denial for another month or so.

One Comment on "Here in my car I feel safest of all"

  1. Susan says:

    Hey, if you can last into the fall, you can live in denial through the winter. You won’t even need A/C.

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